Are you in a situation with a relative who can't take care of themselves?
Who's going to take care of you if you get sick yourself?
When persons do not have the mental or physical health necessary to make decisions about their finances and personal circumstances, a guardian may be needed.
A guardian is a person acting on his or her behalf.

There are a number of conditions that must be met for a person to have a guardian. There are also many forms of guardianship, and there is often only a need for limited guardianship.
Through the "Familieretshsuet", you can initiate guardianship for people who need it.
However, navigating through the system can be a difficult task for relatives.
We can assist through the "Familieretshuset" process and advise within what type of guardianship should be applied for.
* We also offer the role of guardian in special situations.
Power of Attorney
Who's going to take care of you if you get sick?
If you want to influence who will handle your personal and/or financial circumstances, if at a later stage in your life you can no longer do it yourself, you can create a power of attorney for the future.

The Register of Power of Attorney
The Power of Attorney lies ineffectually in the Register of the Power of Attorney, as long as you are able to handle your own affairs.

the future proxy
If the Power of Attorney is put into effect, it is the future proxy you have chosen that represents you in the areas that you have chosen the power of attorney includes.

What should the power of future include?
You decide for yourself what the Power of Attorney should include, and it can be limited to, to individual matters or to all financial and/or personal matters.

The Register of Power of Attorney
Through "Familieretshuset", the Power of Attorney is placed in the Registery.
The "Familieretshuset" encourages you to seek advice from an attorney if you want advice on what the Power of Atotrney should contain.
We can advise within what the Power of Attorney should contain, as well as differences and similarities between ordinary proxies, Power of Attorney and guardianship.