Competition Law

Competition is one of the most important means to ensure the efficient use of resources, because it forces acting parties to perform their uttermost, wherefore it is an important cornerstone for development and prosperity.

In what situations should attention be paid to the rules of competition law and who is covered?

We advise our clients on aspects of competition law, including reports to the Danish Competition Authority, as well as compliance with the competition law rules.

Our international outlook and expertise in EU and US competition law support our legal advice, because we keep a close eye on competition law disputes.

COMPETITION LAW Competition is one of the most important means of ensuring efficient use of resources

The competition rules ensure competition, for the benefit of all parties in the market, including businesses, consumers and society in general.

Companies' incentives for innovation are based on effective competition, which improves products and sells them at competitive prices and conditions.

Competition law generally regulates three areas:

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restrictive agreements

The prohibition of certain restrictive agreements, including the fixing of artificially high prices and the formation of cartels.

Law firm Sonja Toft. We are committed to your cause.
Abuse of a dominant position

The prohibition on abuse of a dominant position which prevents a dominant business from using its market position to engage in anticompetitive behaviour on the market to the detriment of other business (hence also consumers) or directly consumers.

Law firm Sonja Toft. We are committed to your cause.
Regulation of mergers/acquisitions

Regulation of mergers/acquisitions of a certain size, where the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority examines whether a concentration can be authorised or whether it should be prohibited because it impedes competition in the market.

Who is covered by the competition rules?

As a rule, all businesses are covered by the competition rules on the prohibition of restrictive agreements. However, only businesses which are dominant on the market are subject to the prohibition of abuse of dominant position.

The Danish competition rules come mainly from the EU and are contained in the Competition Act and the Treaty (TFEU). Further, we advise on American Competition Law "Antitrust Law."

The law firm Sonja Toft advises on several aspects of competition law, including:

  • Horizontal aspects involving different agreements
  • Exemption from the rules, including group exemption
  • Drafting legal opinion
  • Drafting complaints